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  • Writer's pictureHarriet Doody

The Great Indoors Podcast with Drew Pritchard

I have followed Kate Watson-Smyth and Sophie Robinson's podcast from the beginning, and was really interested when I heard Drew Pritchard would be a guest on it.

I really resonated with his interest in antiques and the importance of buying antique items. As Drew said, he could never quite understand why his friends would want to go to Ikea and purchase a plastic chair that everyone owned? He can't understand why people wouldn't want a piece of beautifully crafted history, that tells it's own story.

It was fascinating to hear his opinion with 'brown furniture' where consumers labelled all antique furniture as 'brown furniture'. When in reality, 'brown furniture' refers to post WW2 furniture which was utilitarian and served its purpose. However, Drew's comments regarding painted furniture have caused him backlash since the release of the podcast. He claims that painting furniture is just as bad as pebble dashing your home (bold statement!!). I mean I cringe when I see chalk paint smeared on a Georgian Chest of Drawers, but surely there's no harm in painting and revamping a tired oak bookcase from the 90's!

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